Battlefield 1 Fury X DX12 Benchmarks



  EA is once again releasing another Battlefield title. Over the past few years Call of Duty has been the game to beat, but it seems as if that is an impossible task. BF1 has a lot of hype surrounding it and DICE has some of the best developers on the planet. At the moment Battlefield is winning the public opinion over its rival Call of Duty. This is mostly due to Call of Duty yearly rehashes, buggy gameplay and forcing fans to purchase Infinity Warfare in order to play CoD: MW2. That’s not to say that Battlefield titles don’t have their fair share of bugs and glitches, but Battlefield seems to get plenty of patches far longer than CoD titles.

  I’ve finally got my hands on the Battlefield 1 open beta. Now that the game is out of the alpha stage, EA DICE is testing their networking on a major scale to hopefully make the actual release much smoother. The servers were actually offline for a while after the public beta release. The issues were fixed and the servers are back up and running. There’s a group that claimed responsibility for the servers to go down, but I won’t name them here. EA DICE is also fixing issues while both Nvidia and AMD have released drivers for the Battlefield 1 Beta. I’m using the latest AMD Crimson drivers [16.8.3] to benchmark the game. AMD has a DX11 Crossfire profile for Battlefield 1 already. That is pretty nice considering that the game is only in the beta stage.

  Speaking of this game being in beta mode, I have experience some frame pacing issues from time to time. I’m sure these issues will be addressed before the game is officially released. An issue I’ve noticed is that I could be playing the game getting frame rates above 100 and the game would sometimes drop down to 5 or 6 fps for a second or so. This is a very odd behavior and hopefully is addressed very soon. This also makes it hard to benchmark the game properly since those issues can affect the overall benchmark process.

  This issue can happen at 1920x1080p, 2560x1440p or 3840x2160p. So it doesn’t matter which resolution you are playing with from my experience. I tried testing 3200x1800 and the game simply didn’t like that resolution at all. Other issues I experience were problems such as spawning with no weapon, enemies with infinite health and small lag\rubber banding issues. I only experience these issues on one server so far. So there are some issues EA DICE needs to fix, but overall the game ran fine. All of my benchmarks are using the DX12 API. All benchmarks were performed while playing the Conquest game mode which consisit of 64 players on the server.


Gaming Rig Specs:

Motherboard:ASUS Sabertooth X58
CPU:Xeon X5660 @ 4.6Ghz
CPU Cooler:Antec Kuhler 620 Watercooled - Pull
GPU:AMD Radeon R9 Fury X Watercooled - Push
RAM:24GB DDR3-1600Mhz [6x4GB]
SSD:Kingston Predator 600MB/s Write – 1400MB/s Read
PSU:EVGA SuperNOVA G2 1300W 80+ GOLD
Monitor:Dual 24inch Resolution - 1080p, 1400p, 1600p, 4K [3840x2160]
OS: Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

GPU Drivers:Crimson 16.8.3 [8/30/2016]
GPU Speed:AMD R9 Fury X @ Stock Settings – Core 1050Mhz




1080p & 1440p - Real Time Benchmarks™

  BF1 Beta




Battlefield 1 [DX12 + Ultra + SSAO + TAA Enabled] – 1920x1080p

AMD R9 Fury X @ Stock Settings [Crimson 16.8.3Hotfix Drivers]
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RAM: DDR3-1600Mhz
FPS Avg: 107fps
FPS Max: 170fps
FPS Min Caliber ™: 84fps
Frame time Avg: 9.28ms

Fury X Info:
GPU Temp Avg: 42c

GPU Temp Max: 45c
GPU Temp Min: 32c

CPU info:
CPU Temp Avg: 55c
CPU Temp Max: 61c
CPU Temp Min: 40c

CPU Usage Avg: 40%
CPU Usage Max: 50%


BF1 Beta 1080p DX12 





Battlefield 1 [DX12 + Ultra + SSAO + TAA Enabled] – 2560x1440p

AMD R9 Fury X @ Stock Settings [Crimson 16.8.3Hotfix Drivers]
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RAM: DDR3-1600Mhz
FPS Avg: 79fps
FPS Max: 122fps
FPS Min Caliber ™: 63fps
Frame time Avg: 12.69ms

Fury X Info:
GPU Temp Avg: 47c

GPU Temp Max: 46c
GPU Temp Min: 40c

CPU info:
CPU Temp Avg: 51c
CPU Temp Max: 59c
CPU Temp Min: 42c

CPU Usage Avg: 34%
CPU Usage Max: 48%

BF1 Beta DX12 1440p





4K - Real Time Benchmarks™

  While performing the 4K benchmarks I ran into a few issues. While the game normally runs fine there are issues with the engine. As I stated earlier the frame rate sometimes dips for no reason at all making it difficult to benchmark BF1 at times. This happens at all resolutions and not solely 4K. However, 4K and 1440p gave me the most issues. I ran 4 different 4K test: Ultra + TAA Enabled, Ultra + TAA Disabled, High + TAA Disabled and Medium + TAA Disabled. I was surprised how well the game looked only using the medium settings whille running 4K. This game is simply gorgeous.

  BF1 VArious 4K Settings Chart



Battlefield 1 [DX12 + Ultra + SSAO + TAA Disabled] – 3840x2160p [4K]

AMD R9 Fury X @ Stock Settings [Crimson 16.8.3Hotfix Drivers]
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RAM: DDR3-1600Mhz
FPS Avg: 49fps
FPS Max: 70fps
FPS Min Caliber ™: 38fps
Frame time Avg: 20.61ms

Fury X Info:
GPU Temp Avg: 47c

GPU Temp Max: 49c
GPU Temp Min: 42c

CPU info:
CPU Temp Avg: 52c
CPU Temp Max: 57c
CPU Temp Min: 45c

CPU Usage Avg: 26%
CPU Usage Max: 36%

BF1 Beta 4K Ultra No AA






Battlefield 1 [DX12 + High + SSAO + TAA Disabled] – 3840x2160p [4K]

AMD R9 Fury X @ Stock Settings [Crimson 16.8.3Hotfix Drivers]
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RAM: DDR3-1600Mhz
FPS Avg: 51fps
FPS Max: 74fps
FPS Min Caliber ™: 42fps
Frame time Avg: 19.96ms

Fury X Info:
GPU Temp Avg: 47c

GPU Temp Max: 48c
GPU Temp Min: 39c

CPU info:
CPU Temp Avg: 51c
CPU Temp Max: 56c
CPU Temp Min: 47c

CPU Usage Avg: 26%
CPU Usage Max: 36%

BF1 High No AA DX12 4K




Battlefield 1 [DX12 + Medium + SSAO + TAA Disabled] – 3840x2160p [4K]

AMD R9 Fury X @ Stock Settings [Crimson 16.8.3Hotfix Drivers]
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RAM: DDR3-1600Mhz
FPS Avg: 65fps
FPS Max: 88fps
FPS Min Caliber ™: 57fps
Frame time Avg: 15.38ms

Fury X Info:
GPU Temp Avg: 47c

GPU Temp Max: 49c
GPU Temp Min: 42c

CPU info:
CPU Temp Avg: 53c
CPU Temp Max: 56c
CPU Temp Min: 48c

CPU Usage Avg: 28%
CPU Usage Max: 41%

BF1 Medium No AA DX12 4K